Gopher clients

Obviously, I'm partial to my own VF-1, but it's by no means the only good gopher client out there. Lynx is the trusty old standby, which you might already have installed. There's truly nothing wrong with it, but it can't hurt to widen your horizons. Here are some others you might like to try. If you spend a lot of time in gopherspace, you owe it to yourself to find a client that really works well for you. If you can't find one, write it! The simplicity of the gopher protocol means you can easily write a basic client as a weekend project. If you do this, let me know and I'll add it to the list below.

Command-line clients

Graphical clients

Android clients

iOS clients

Sailfish clients

Browser plugins

Once upon a time, most web browsers supported gopher too. These days, you'll need to use a plugin to add the missing functionality back in.