I am the founder of Circumlunar Space, and the admin of the Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu. My main online presences these days are my gopherhole there, especially my phlog (running since 2017, originally at SDF), as well my Gemini capsule and its gemlog (running since 2020 and containing mostly the same content as the phlog). This webpage is really just a collection of pointers to these and other places and is not extensively maintained.
I started and am the Benevolent Dictator of a collaborative effort to define a new internet protocol called Gemini, which was started in order to explore the conceptual space in between gopher and the web. To my never-ending surprise, there was a huge surge of interest in Gemini in 2020, and to be honest I did a very poor job of handling the increased demands of running the project with so many eyes, hands and hearts involved. Gemini is very much still alive, though, with a strong and dedicated community following. Plenty of people don't care for it, which is fine. I just wish they'd take the attitude that it's an interesting or curious project that's ultimately not for them, instead of acting like it's stupid or useless or actively harmful, all of which it plainly isn't, but oh well.
I have written a lot of Free Software, but I'm trying to give it up, or at least to write a lot less and do it much more mindfully.
I am the author of VF-1, a popular command-based Gopher client written in Python.
VF-1 has been adapted into a Gemini client, called AV-98 (I'm great at naming software). I've also written a Gemini server, called Molly Brown. You can find more of my Gemini-related software projects at my Gemini capsule.
I have also written Shizaru, a "do no evil" webserver, which serves this very site.
You'll find miscellaneous other projects of mine at the Zaibatsu's software forge and my Sourcehut account. Some stuff still lives at Tildegit, but I'm in the process of moving it to Sourcehut.
I have an increasingly neglected used to have a half-hour radio show which aired on SDF's aNONradio every Wednesday at 1800 UTC. The "Half Hour of Power" evolved from strictly playing chiptunes to being vaguely focused on vintage or vintage-sounding electronic music of all kinds. Fellow aNONradio djs snowdusk, tob and quintus (aka cev) do/did a better job than I ever did in every respect.
I used to have an account at tilde.zone, but finally deleted it sometime in 2024, after having not tooted a thing for years before that. Somehow I kept steadily accumulating followers throughout the years, despite never interacting with a soul. The Fediverse is obviously superior to Twitter or Bluesky or whatever, but ultimately I think it's just a superior implementation of the same fundamentally bad idea. It's not all bad, of course, and I had plenty of fun and met good people, but ultimately I didn't like the way I could feel the network influencing the way I behaved there.